CNA Shawn Skelton goes on FB live to show adverse effects of Moderna vaccine

The following is an almost 4 minute video of a woman who introduced herself as Shawn Skelton. She received the Moderna COVID vaccine last January 4, 2021 and developed adverse effects after three days. Skelton took to social media last January 7, 2021 after tongue spasms turned into full blown body convulsions. Skelton was discharged from the hospital and was sent home with no real answers. Skelton says that her current condition is an adverse effect of the Moderna vaccine. Watch the video below to hear her account.
As of January 12, 2021, Skelton’s video has been shared 187,000 times and the original post has received 55,000 comments.
Editor’s Note: Despite the large audience received by the video, it is uncanny that it has not been indexed by Google (see gallery below).
When we add the word “moderna” to the search, however, we do see the right articles, but none are from mainstream sources. Moreover, the articles that appear are against Skelton. As an example, Daily Dot uses the following headline: Video: Woman fakes convulsions, says it’s a side effect of COVID-19 vaccine, An expert said Shawn Skelton is ‘clearly faking a problem.’ Meanwhile another article used the following headline: CDC says vaccine side-effects ‘tend to be mild’ in response to Indiana woman’s claims in viral video. None of these two articles attached Skelton’s video.
We are not at all surprised with how mainstream media and other smaller media outfits are treating Skelton. We have, after all, almost a year experience of predicting their modus operandi. We report on this video, not to tell people that Moderna’s vaccine is a failure. We however, want people to consider these negative information in the decision for vaccination. While the adverse effect experienced by Skelton is regarded by CDC as “mild”, we doubt if Skelton feels the same way.
Another important point we want to emphasize is this: until the day that Skelton published her live video, no doctor could explain what was happening to her, and the vaccine developer has not attempted to contact her. This is the reality of vaccine injuries, especially since all vaccine manufacturers have indemnity from future injuries. Are you ready to handle repercussions of possible vaccine injuries, should you find yourself at the short end?
View Original Video
Where is the original video?
Hi kiki, it’s right below the words “view original video”. Hope you were able to view it.