Elon Musk: Something extremely bogus is going on

Elon Musk took to Twitter last November 12, 2020 after receiving the results of his COVID-19 test. Musk took the rapid antigen test four times and received two positive and two negative test results. He said in his tweet: “Something extremely bogus is going on. Was tested for covid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD”.

The maker of the rapid antigen test (more commonly referred to as rapid test) is Becton, Dickinson and Co. Rapid tests have been widely used as an alternative to the RT-PCR which takes several days to return results.

Editor’s Note: Many experts have long warned against the use of rapid tests due to its susceptibility for returning false positive results. Note, however, that RT-PCR is no better [see New York Times: More experts questioning RT-PCR testing and RT-PCR tests are scientifically meaningless]. To date, there is no test that can adequately detect whether a person has COVID-19 or not. Testing positive does not automatically mean that a person is infected, or that they have COVID-19.

Elon Musk: I Got A COVID Test Four Times In One Day. ‘Two Came Back Negative, Two Came Back Positive.’ | The Daily Wire

Elon Musk: I Got A COVID Test Four Times In One Day. ‘Two Came Back Negative, Two Came Back Positive.’ | The Daily Wire

Elon Musk suspects something strange is brewing with the current spate of COVID tests. According to the eccentric billionaire, he took a test four times


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