New Study: Nearly all coronavirus transmission occur indoors

A new report by Agence France-Presse (AFP) republished by the Philippine Daily Inquirer shows that almost all documented coronavirus transmissions have occurred indoors. The author of the study, Mike Weed, a professor and researcher at Canterbury Christ Church University told AFP: “There were virtually no cases we could identify that took place in sort of everyday life outdoors”. The researchers add, “The risk of transmission is much lower outside than inside because viruses that are released into the air can rapidly become diluted through the atmosphere”.
Editor’s Note: The findings of AFP report is consistent with researches conducted after the massive Black Lives Matter protests in June [see Black Lives Matter protests did not lead to spike in coronavirus cases]. Moreover, the study also provides a definitive explanation of why lockdowns must be lifted. Not only is it ineffective in controlling virus transmissions, it in fact, increases the risk of vulnerable populations to infection, not to mention the other harmful effects of lockdowns to society [read Study: lockdowns, border closures, and testing had no impact on COVID-19 mortality, German minister: Lockdowns will kill more people worldwide than COVID-19, New Study: Lockdowns ten times more deadly than SARS-CoV-2].
This study also shows us that there is there is no real benefit to conducting contact tracing as those that are most susceptible to infection are already the very people that a person with COVID-19 are living with.
Now one might think that the cited article is also proof for the use of masks. We must remember that the experience of Sweden and Belarus shows that it is unnecessary for the general public, especially when outdoors. The use of the “precautionary principle” for masking is logical only when there is some evidence regarding its efficacy. But the evidence from various fronts, both in research and real life experience shows that widespread masking of the general population is unnecessary.
We must remember that even the World Health Organization held off from recommending widespread masking. To date, they only recommend using masks indoors when physical distancing is impossible [see What does the WHO say about masking?].
Why then are governments mandating the use of masks everywhere, even in parks? Again, this one-size-fits-all policy is reminiscent of lockdowns, and is employed without careful consideration of its possible impacts. Some people may think that wearing a mask does not harm, but there is growing evidence that it is a health risk. Between a mask and fresh air, fresh air remains to be less risky and more health-giving.
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