Top German virologist says we can beat coronavirus without lockdowns

In an interview with The Telegraph, Professor Hendrick Streeck, director of Germany’s Institute of Virology at Bonn University says, “It is time to stop all this alarmism. We can outsmart the virus using all our knowledge”. Meanwhile, as several politicians in Europe renew the call for lockdowns in the face of increasing SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Streeck supported the first lockdown in Germany, but stresses that rising infection cases should no longer be the main determinant of policies. He says that we know enough about how the virus behaves to allow us to function normally. Clinical treatment of COVID-19 has already improved, hence lessening the need for critical care [also see COVID death rates continue to fall as doctors reject ventilators and Recommendation for physicians and authorities for the treatment of COVID-19].
Streeck also stresses that there are only two known cases of reinfection in the world, which supports the theory of lasting immunity, and SARS-CoV-2 will not be any different.
Editor’s Note: How many experts to we need to speak up in order for us to believe that we can manage the coronavirus even without vaccines and lockdowns? How much more data must we see in order to convince us that the epidemic has past?
This article from The Telegraph galvanized one of our insights: the new coronavirus is not as deadly as we think. Media reporting and Big Tech censorship of credible information that could have helped lift lockdowns sooner have fueled the fear worldwide. The new coronavirus has followed the path of all viruses before it. It will simply mutate to co-exist with us. Now the more important question is this: will we be able to let go of the fear in order to see that we have been manipulated all these months? [Also see Our immune system is the biggest mystery during this coronavirus outbreak and Lancet: 19 countries have suppressed community transmission of coronavirus].
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