This August 1, 2020 article from CNN covers the German march called Day Of Freedom – The End Of The Pandemic. According to this report, the march was attended by “anti-vaccine groups and some far-right and neo-Nazi organizations”.
Moreover, the article added that 955 new coronavirus infections was recorded in a 24-hour time span, and was quick to add that the data, which was published on August 1, was from the previous day, Friday, July 31, the day before the march.
Editor’s Note: This article from the CNN is a perfect example of how important milestones relating to the coronavirus is demonized and cancelled.
First, take note that the march took place only a few hours before the article was published, how was the author able to census all the 17,000 attendees to the protest? Also, of the 17,000 who joined the protest, the author focused on the “anti-vaccine, far-right, and neo-Nazi” participants, as if they were the majority in this march. It was a veiled statement saying that the attendees to this protest belong only to these groups which promote “counterproductive belief systems”.
Second, note the reference to the jump in the number of infections which, according to the article, were figures for the day before. Why did the author need to mention this information when he was reporting about the protest? Again, this is a tactic used in fear mongering. In reality, people will associate the increase in new coronavirus infections to the protest as the article conveniently points out the lack of social distancing and masks. The author has framed the article in a way that will trigger reactions from those who are still afraid of the virus.
A point that must not be missed in this article, however, is the fact that 17,000 people came out to protest against COVID-19 restrictions. This many people have awakened to the evidence, and are demanding for the return of the normal. If the coronavirus was as deadly as we thought (hence rationalizing the need for lockdowns and further restrictions), a majority of those who joined that protest would be sick or are dying at this moment.
But data from Worldometers shows that even though there was a slight increase in infections, as of August 30, 2020 Germany’s 7-day moving average deaths is at 4 (see photo below). The curve is still flat and even with the protests, illness due to COVID-19 has not worsened [if you think that the lockdowns have contributed to this success, then think again, Sweden, which never instituted a lockdown has even lower death rates, see Sweden is winning against the coronavirus and Sweden’s COVID-19 experience from the eyes of a Swedish doctor.]

Another mass protest was held in Berlin, which coincided with the London protests last August 30, 2020. We will post the results of this protest in a future article.
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