Month: June 2020
Italian doctors: coronavirus is weakening
This report published by The Reuters yesterday, June 1, 2020 features two Italian doctors who say that the potency of the new coronavirus is weakening. According to Alberto Zangrillo, head of the San Raffaele Hospital, viral load in swab tests are infinitesimally lesser compared to two months ago. Meanwhile, Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious diseases clinic…
Children’s Commission: Children should be back in school
The following is a briefing document prepared by the Children’s Commission in the UK. It was produced to help parents realize the cost of keeping schools closed, as well as understand the risks and benefits of school re-opening. For the Commission, the important question is not whether children should go back to school or not, but…
Study shows COVID-19 positive child did not infect peers
This article published by the Oxford University Press for Infectious Diseases Society of America looks at possible secondary transmission from an Englishman who was known to have been infected with SARS-COV-2 in Singapore. Investigation shows that the Englishman infected at least 12 other individuals, one of whom was a child who was also suffering from picornavirus (a virus…
A touted COVID-19 vaccine has already harmed people
This article is Part 1 of the series Vaccine: Salvation or Damnation. People all over are starting to get lockdown fatigue[efn_note][/efn_note]. Others have developed a love affair with living in fear and loss of free will. They have been infected with the Stockholm Syndrome[efn_note]Nicanor Perlas, “Faulty COVID-19 Tests: Why Prisoners Love Their Jailers and Never-Ending…
Mixed Feelings
As most of you know, recently I posted an Open Letter to Governors, Mayors and Legislators. After going through the current scientific evidence, I encouraged them: “In essence, COVID-19 is not a deadly as we all once feared. … Many countries are starting to move away from lockdowns. …. For the sake of your own…
German experts: Schools and day care centers should be reopened
The following is a statement released by the German Society for Hospital Hygiene (DKGH), the German Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases (DGPI), the German Academy for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (DAKJ), the Society for Hygiene, Environmental Medicine and Preventive Medicine (GHIP), and the professional association of pediatric and adolescent doctors in Germany. The statement offers…