Category: Audio Visual
New audio-visual presentation: Sulong!
SULONG: We present a very short audio-visual presentation especially for the younger generation in the Philippines. While the appeal is more to the feeling sensibilities of the Filipino psyche, rest assured that all facts are documented on our website: It talks about the dangers of vaccination and the need to stand up against outrageous illegal…
CCH1333 Decon-2 17 August 2021. Bishops Commit Mortal Sin. DOH Super Liars. Both Killing Filipinos with Killer Bioweapons (aka Vaccines).
Title exaggerated? Know the history that started on January 30. 2021. Quote from Perlas’ article, “The Vaccine Delusion, … Pro-Vaccine CBCP Decision Huge Mistake. Vaccines will not remove lockdowns. Ignores reports of thousands of Covid-19 Vaccine Serious Injuries including Deaths.” CBCP warned that “they may have become willing vessels for such an outrageous, far-reaching criminal…
New Video from Covid Call to Humanity: Decon-1
Nicanor has released a new video entitled DECON-1. Here are some of the topics discussed in the video. Scroll below to see links to the YouTube trailer and the full video at Rumble and Brighteon. DECON-1. Covid Call to Humanity Video goes viral. Three of four parts are banned by YouTube. The latest global developments…
Covid Call to Humanity new video goes viral, partly banned by YouTube
Just yesterday, we published the four videos on our YouTube channel. Overnight, the channel received 300 new subscriptions and over 10,000 views. As expected, we have experienced a number of problems in the publication of these videos. First, one of the videos was muted, with YouTube saying that it used a “copyrighted” soundtrack. We know…