July 1, 2024

Researchers from the University of Melbourne mapped the immune responses of one of the first COVID-19 patients in Australia and discovered that the body has the capacity to fight against the infection. The woman was in her 40s and was exhibiting mild-to-moderate symptoms when she was admitted to the hospital.

Using the Sentinel Travellers and Research Preparedness for Emerging Infectious Diseases (SETREP-ID), the researchers found that after three days of admission, the patient already had a large population of immune cells and predicted that the woman will recover within 3 days, which happened. 

Editor’s Note: While COVID-19 may have been caused by a new virus, research shows us that an otherwise healthy person will have the capacity to recover without trouble. This article shows to us that there is value in developing herd immunity and focusing on supporting the health of the immune system if we wish to minimize, if not eradicate, fatalities due to the new coronavirus. 

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