Portugese court rules PCR tests as unreliable and unlawful to quarantine people

The Lisbon Court of Appeals has ruled for the release of four people who were isolated in accordance with the COVID-19 protocols in the country. The court says, “Given how much scientific doubt exists — as voiced by experts, i.e., those who matter — about the reliability of the PCR tests, given the lack of information concerning the tests’ analytical parameters, and in the absence of a physician’s diagnosis supporting the existence of infection or risk, there is no way this court would ever be able to determine whether C was indeed a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or whether A, B, and D had been at a high risk of exposure to it.”

The court adds that it is illegal for the Regional Health Authority to detain the “patients” when a doctor has not given a diagnosis and the patient has not given prior consent for isolation.

The original ruling is in Portuguese and may be read on this site. You may use DeepL Translate to translate the document into English.

Editor’s Note: This ruling is important because it gives us an idea of the various judicial processes enacted to protect our freedoms. While a number of the laws cited in the ruling are specific to Lisbon and Portugal, it would be worthwhile to look into our country’s own laws and constitutions. This way, we will be empowered in safeguarding our own rights.

Governments are curtailing our rights when they impose restrictions that have no scientific basis. Science has shown us repeatedly that lockdowns do not work, and masks offer no real protection against infection [see Is a lockdown necessary? and Danish mask study now published: Masks do not reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection].

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