Trudeau Secures Power Before Leaving Office Through Massive Appointments

Since announcing his resignation, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made a total of 104 appointments, including nine senators. This move has been seen as an effort to leave a lasting legacy on the Canadian government, particularly in the Senate, where his appointees will serve until the age of 75. Critics argue that these appointments, especially in the Senate, could influence future policy decisions and potentially hinder the agenda of any incoming government.

Editor’s Note: The news of Trudeau’s resignation has blind-sided Canadian Freedom Fighters. Trudeau may have left his office as Prime Minister but his power will endure. To top it off, the newly elected party leader, Mark Carney, is probably worse than Trudeau!1

Despite the change in leadership, Canadians is not free of the damning policies of the Trudeau administration. This is unfortunate for truth, freedom, and dignity. We hope that in October, when people vote during the 2025 election will remember this: changing the guard is one thing, but if we want lasting change, we will need to change the system. How can that happen? That is a question we must unravel. [Also read: THE USA  HAS DOOMED ITSELF AND THE WORLD TO MASSIVE GLOBAL COLLAPSE AND BLOWBACK: An Open Letter to Freedom Fighters].

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  1., ↩︎

Bypass the Censorship!


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