February 16, 2025



With the Presidential elections in the USA coming up in a few weeks, the totalitarian and genocidal actions of the US leaders have motivated me to write this Open Letter to all Freedom Fighters in the USA  and the world. Many of the facts that I will marshall for this Open Letter are well-known. They have been in the consciousness of the US and the world in the months and even years that have passed. 

So there will be no references for this letter. Take it as a perspective of one human being outside the USA, one who will be deeply impacted by what happens to the US in the weeks and months to come.  For those wanting references, kindly contact the writer through this website. I will give you the necessary references that you need. 

Before elaborating further, I want to state immediately that I have no political axe to grind. I am not an American. I am Asian, and I have no involvement in US politics. But I do want to express a certain perspective that is rarely expressed and can only be expressed, perhaps because I have no political stake in any of the parties vying to head the rapidly declining once-proud world empire. The mess and garbage coming out of the US will have a deep and profound impact on the fate of the entire planet. I hope to get this message out before it is too late. 

For the past four years, I have been following the developments in the USA with concern, disappointment, and, increasingly, alarm. The true freedom lovers and patriots in the US are heading straight to a massive wall of disappointment and chaos. Neither Trump nor Harris can change the course. Both will only lead the US to ultimate disaster. Given the massive geopolitical, cultural, and economic footprint of the US, that would also be a disaster for the world. 

Harris is clearly a puppet of the Deep State. She has no independent perspective on her own. She was a non-entity before she was manipulated to be the Democratic candidate for President of the United States of America. She had no outstanding achievements but a slew of lies and failures. She has zero qualifications to run and turn around the coming collapse of the USA. 

For Kennedy supporters, I could have said a lot. But it is now totally pointless because Kennedy has dropped from the presidential race with very vague and unbelievably shallow reasons. It is water under the bridge and there is no point wasting any further time speculating what he could have done if he were elected as President of the United States of America. 

As for Trump, it is unbelievable why millions still cling to the fatal hope that Trump is the only leader to save America. His weaknesses and faults are so problematic that it is difficult to understand and even swallow why very credible American influencers have tied their future to a deeply problematic man, plagued with a weak character and vain with political posturing. 

If the assassination attempts against him are a sign that he will take down the Deep State, you are mistaken. The Deep State is not one homogenous blob. There are conflicting priorities and interests in the Deep State. Trump happens to be part of the swamp, just a different faction of it.  

Let us not beat around the bush.

Can someone please explain to the entire world why Trump has not extricated himself from the responsibility of the Warp Speed fake Cobid Vaccine that killed over 35 million people and has seriously injured hundreds of thousands more? There are all kinds of excuses forwarded by sycophants for this behavior. None of them hold water. 

Can anyone explain, with a clear conscience, why they would support a man who has gambled his future supporting the clearly and patently genocidal state of Israel? I did not know that Freedom fighters forget first principles, including not committing war crimes when they want to support a presumed winner in a presidential election. Yet their favorite candidate for US President is guilty of war-crime-level massive deaths and genocide. Now, he wants to have a war with Iran. This is totally insane, as we all know where that will bring us all. 

Both issues are so problematic that some strong Trump supporters have publicly expressed that they will not vote for Trump if he does not back away from his support of genocidal Israel and admit his deadly mistake on the Covid vaccines. Some have labeled this their ethical red line

Have Trump fanatics totally forgotten that House Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson credits Trump for passing the controversial $62 billion comprehensive package for support to Ukraine? The bill was about to die in Congress, but Trump practiced backroom politics to have it passed. 

Anyone who has studied the history of this war clearly knows this is NOT an unprovoked war. The US has been provoking Russia since 1991, after the fall of the USSR. Then there was the Maidan Coup facilitated by the US CIA and the US State Department in the person of Victoria Nuland. This was caught on tape and is known by millions. Then, there was the conscious violation of the Minsk II Agreement of 2015, since then admitted by both German and French leaders involved in the Agreement. The US was clearly involved behind the scenes eventhough they have not come out to admit their back-stabbing of the Agreement with Russia. 

One could say more about this war provoked by the US and its NATO allies. They are simply using brave Ukranian soldiers as cannon fodder in their proxy war. And the poor Ukrainians are dying by the hundreds of thousands, fooled by their Western masters. 

Then there is Trump’s tortured relationship with the Deep State. He vowed to drain the swamp. Instead, the Swamp drowned him and basically neutralized him. 

His apologists think he has learned his lesson from the past. Yet, he chooses for his Vice President J.D. Vance, a known admirer and even sycophant for Peter Thiel, a creature of the Deep State. Thiel is deeply involved with the creation of Palantir, a massive CIA surveillance operation that has been privatized. Trump has also been reported to be considering other swamp creatures to be in very influential positions in his government. 

A Trump-Vance victory would mean potentially 12 more years of the US under the rule of the Deep State. By that time, the US would be a broken state controlled by psychopaths, liars, censors, and experts in disinformation.

Then there is the Epstein connection, which remains problematic despite massive denials on his part. 

There are many other problems with Trump as a President of the USA.  Who could forget his dismantling of nuclear arms agreements with Russia? 

But, hey. Who else should patriots choose? 

There is an independent candidate still out there, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.  He seems to be on course on many topics. He is quite knowledgeable and ethical in many of his positions. However, his trashy and sometimes one-sided polarization of positions may indicate an incapability to navigate the fine nuances of US domestic and foreign policy. But it could also mark an uncompromising character needed to withstand the onslaught of the Deep State. Besides, a deeper investigative effort should be done to ascertain his motives for running as a presidential candidate of the US. 

The philosophy of choosing the lesser evil  (assuming that Trump is indeed the lesser evil) is also highly problematic. That has always been the practice of the US. One only gets different varieties of evil, a Democratic evil and a Republican evil, both under the control of the Deep State or the Swamp;. 

Is the US dilemma the main reason many countries are starting to align themselves with the BRICS ++? This is not an endorsement for BRICS. Much remains to be seen regarding the ultimate strategic goals, policies, programs, and initiatives that will emerge from this increasingly powerful constellation of nations. 

Present and aspiring BRIC members are totally fed up with the bullying behavior of the US empire in the world. It is blowback time. But the US Deep State is not listening. Now, their bullying habit for the US Empire has totally turned against its own citizens. 

Where do we all go from here? No one knows. But we can all aspire to a World in which the US Empire-Complex does not trigger a global nuclear war. Then, the different nations of the world will continue to have the necessary time and diplomatic initiatives to save humanity from the brink of total disaster. 


  1. A true nuclear war is bad for the future plans of globalists. What they needed is a controlled nuclear war drama with an outcome designed by them. The globalists wanted to own the present day infrastructures and systems in order to control everyone and will not risk the destruction of everything through a nuclear catastrophe. If Trump is ready and willing to lose his fortune, then he can really drain the Swamp.

  2. Merci une nouvelle fois,Nicanor, pour cette vision d’un monde au bord du chaos et où l’oligarchie eugéniste veut la mort de l’Homo Sapiens. L’Humanité ne pourra se reconstruire que par le regroupement de femmes et d’hommes uniquement attachés à l’entraide permanente ET INDÉPENDANTE des convictions religieuses, philosophiques ou économiques de chacun.

  3. both left and right wings belong to the vulture.

    light, shield and strength to all truthers.

    thanks and prayers for you and others, Mr. nicanor perlas.

  4. Thank you, Nicanor, for exposing what’s going on in this world, deeply infested with demons. The dark “Deep State” is really a mental reflection of what lurks within all of our human hearts. To expose, see clearly and understand our own “self” is the beginning of the end for the nefarious goons, minions and puppets attempting to grab worldly power and control. We’re all in a spiritual mindfield where boundless, eternal, divine God works out manifest Creation through mankind. This involves horrendous struggles on the part of humans and other creatures who find their “selves” in an apparently irrational, materialistic and temporal world. Biblical, Vedic, Buddhist and other scriptures address these issues lurking in our hearts and minds. However, so few see clearly through the fog of war, now stirring up again thick and fast in the world. As depicted in the story of Arjuna going into battle against his own brothers on the field of Kurukshetra, dualistic, war plays out actively and relentlessly with a worldly logic of ITs own schizoid mindfield in which “self” and “other” seem to exist. Truth is not divided, but rather divine. Life does not seek division, but bountiful multiplication. The Way of Spirit walks eternally on the waters of temporary storms and whirlpools sinking many in this world of wonders.
    Walk on, Nicanor. God is with you… forever….

  5. This is the edited copy to correct my earlier thought.

    I am from the Philippines. Our nation has been infected by the United States much like it has Ukraine or a HIVirus or SARS CoV 2 have infected a human being. Our birth as a nation took place in 1898 with Filipinas having one of the healthiest economic and education systems around the world at the time of separation of our umbilical cord from Madre España.

    Our very national identity based on actual natural historical socio-political-economic development was developed theoretically lead by Jose Rizal, Gen Artemio Ricarte, and other brilliant filipino minds. Our very infant defense system, was founded by Gen Antonio Luna who valiantly integrated with the national DNA, united into a cohesive unit with ingeniously developed doctrine, human resources, and logistics, resisted fiercely with no support from outside, the emerging most powerful nation in the world.

    With americans using virus and terrorist strategies especially against our civilians, our defense system succumbed and the birth of our nation was post natally aborted by the american invasion. It resulted to about 1 million deaths among us filipinos. It resulted to the weakening of our resistance against the more subtle chinese invasion already creeping in the late 19th century.

    Today, we filipinos have become infected by these two national invaders- the chinese and the americans. The global developments where these two nations have involved themselves in are developments we are unable to detach ourselves from.

    Only in forums like this can we have some hope to have some recovery back to a healthy nation we once were. At least if it can start from the psychological level, it is and is supposed to be where start should take place. Our own national experience should be enough for us to decide who we are supposed to believe between the two nations at war today- the russians or the americans. Ukrainians are merely flesh and blood tools of the americans to destroy the russians resisting american imperialistic infection.

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