July 18, 2024

SARS-COV-2 may have lain dormant across the world for years

SARS-COV-2 may have lain dormant  across the world for years

In this article written by Sarah Knapton for The Telegraph, she reports on the statements of Dr. Tom Jefferson, senior associate tutor at the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford. 

Dr. Jefferson says that there is a growing evidence that the virus was elsewhere before it emerged in Asia. He says that the coronavirus may have lain dormant for years, emerging only when environmental conditions, precipitated by the climate crisis, were right for its survival. 

Editor’s Note: This article opens to us a new avenue of inquiry which goes beyond the health outcomes of the SARS-COV-2. It brings together the various challenges of our time – the novel coronavirus as a symptom of the climate crisis, and a product of humanity’s exploitation of nature.

We must mention also that if Dr. Jefferson was right, that the coronavirus has been around for some time, it is possible that some of us have been getting sick because of it, and then overcoming it without knowing.

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