October 16, 2024
Rising Early-Onset Cancers: The Overlooked Role of COVID-19 Vaccines

Rising rates of cancers such as colorectal and breast cancer among individuals in their 20s to 40s have become a concerning trend, with studies showing a significant increase in early-onset cases globally over the past decade. Obesity, alterations in lifestyle, disturbed sleep patterns, exposure to artificial light, and potential connections between antibiotic usage and microplastics—which may impair immune surveillance and gut health—are some of the factors causing this increase. Despite advancements in understanding cancer, many young patients lack identifiable genetic predispositions, complicating the search for underlying causes. Experts stress the urgency for more research to prevent a potential public health crisis related to early-onset cancers.

Editor’s Note: It is noteworthy that despite the increasing number of studies suggesting links between COVID-19 vaccines and various side effects, including cancer-related diseases, these were conspicuously absent in many mainstream reports. A Japanese study found that cancer deaths significantly increased following the third dose of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, with rises in breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers. [See article: Unveiling Hidden Risks: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines and Cancer]

With the World Health Organization projecting a 77% rise in new cancer cases by 2050, vaccine-related effects must be included in the conversation. Without acknowledging all possible factors, including those connected to COVID-19 vaccines, we risk overlooking critical drivers of this emerging health crisis. [See also: “Safe and Effective” COVID Vaccines Plague the World with Cancers, Sudden Deaths, Excess Deaths, and Other Horrible Vaccine Side-Effects, The Uncharted Risks of Repeated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinations]

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2 thoughts on “Rising Early-Onset Cancers: The Overlooked Role of COVID-19 Vaccines

  1. The Philippine government had started a new set of vaccinations to school children to be dosed with MMR, polio and HPV. This is a routine poisoning of children with aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, and cancer causing SV40 cells through government approved injections. These toxins are several times higher compared to the amount allowed by the U.S. EPA for external exposure with the same toxins.

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