Yesterday, CCH published an article analyzing the seemingly contradictory statements in recent days of incoming US President Donald Trump. The title of the article summarizes the substance of the analysis: “TRUMP SENDS MIXED SIGNALS OF PEACE AND WAR. BUT HIS REAL AGENDA IS CLEAR. THE REVIVAL OF THE US EMPIRE AGAINST CHINA AND THE WORLD”.
Some people may have found the article too far out. Today, an interview with Matt Hoh appeared on Judge Napolitano’s YouTube platform. It has this title: “Matt Hoh : Trump and the Neocons Around Him.”
Before we detail his perspective on Trump and his global agenda, let us look at the interviewee’s brief bio. Matt Hoh worked for the US State Department and the US Department of Defense during the war of the US with Afghanistan and Iraq. He joined the US military as a Marine officer and fought in the Iraq wars. He resigned out of protest on how the US was conducting its wars in the Middle East.
He has been interviewed numerous times in mainstream media bwecause of his reputation as a Truth Teller. For many years, he has been with the Center for International Policy, first as a senior fellow and later as a senior fellow emeritus.
This very brief bio shows that Matt Hoh has inside information on how the Pentagon and the US State Department works. So it is important to learn about his perspective on the incoming Trump administration.
Essentially, Matt Hoh basically cites similar facts as CCH which supports his conclusion that Trump will basically continue the Empire mentality of the US. Trump will simply bring his own brand of leadership to the US Empire. The US always had ambitions of Empire immediately after the end of World War II.
The major difference is that Matt Hoh is silent on the China question in this interview. CCH, on the other hand, clearly discerns a Chinese agenda within the US Empire. CCH is not pro-Chinese, especially since the latter is unusually aggressive, harrassing Filipino fisherfolks and the Philippine Navy at the Western Philippine Sea. CCH is simply pointing to objective facts that are easily discernible in Trump’s rhetoric against China.
CCH encourages all its readers to listen to the Matt Hoh interview through the above link. He has historically proven himself to be a truth teller even at the expense of going against the US Government and its military institutions he once served with honor. It will be within this framework of Empire that one can help understand the seemingly disparate and unrelated foreign policy moves of the Trump administration.