February 10, 2025



Last August 15, 2024, CCH uploaded an article titled “NATO Invades Russia.”  Aside from demonstrating that a combined NATO/Ukraine military invaded Russia in Kursk, I wrote the following. 

“Russia will retaliate with full force.  As the SMO continues, more regions in Ukraine will collapse under the might of the Russian army….. While the notorious and weaponized mainstream media (MSM) focuses on the 1000 square kilometers captured (temporarily) by the NATO/Ukraine forces, they ignore that larger land areas in Southern Ukraine are being conquered by the Russian forces permanently…… The full might of Russian military power will be on full display as Russia retaliates against NATO/Ukraine’s invasion of Russia.”

“Watch all these unfold in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, observe closely how all the NATO and Ukrainian soldiers involved in the Kursk attack will slowly but surely be decimated as their tactical supply lines get exhausted and/or cut off by relentless Russian bombardment.”

The above statements seem now to be an accurate summary of what has happened in the past three weeks since the August 15 article. 

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Russian forces have killed 9,300 Ukrainian and NATO combatants in the latter’s Kursk offensive.  Ukranian sources seem to have not challenged this figure. The NATO/Ukraman forces have been stopped in Kursk, and those that have survived are trapped in Kursk.1

In addition, Russia has hit various Ukrainian cities, towns, and other military positions with hundreds of missiles and drone bombs in the past days and weeks. Ukraine has also lost its first touted F-16 fighter jet for reasons that are still being disputed today. 2

The most well-known strategic Russian strike was the destruction of a military training base in Poltava that killed dozens of Ukrainian soldiers and their Swedish and Polish instructors.3

Furthermore, the Kursk invasion failed to slow down Russian advances in Eastern Ukraine in the Donbas area. Ukraine hoped the Russians would remove some of their forces in Donbas and deploy to protect the Kursk region. This did not happen.4

Not only have the Russian advances continued. They have continued at a faster pace, with one village after another falling. Now, the Russians are about to storm the strategic city of Pokrovsk. Ukraine has admitted that defending the Russian advance in this city is ‘exceptionally tough’.5

Many military analysts predict that the downfall of Pokrovsk would mean the ultimate collapse of the Ukrainian defenses in the Donbas region. It would also mean an even more accelerated advance toward Kyiv if Russia chose to go in that direction. But for sure, it would mean the further collapse of more towns and cities in Southern and Eastern Ukraine.6

The above realities are so stark that even Ukranian MSM apologists admit to this defeat of the Ukranians in Kursk and the rapid advances of Russian forces in the Donbas Region of Ukraine. Here is a telling article from one of the bastions of MSM, Reuters, as it reports, with basically no dissent, on Putin’s public statements regarding the ongoing battle in Kursk. 

“VLADIVOSTOK, Russia, Sept 5 (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Ukraine’s incursion into the Russian region of Kursk had failed to slow Russia’s own advance in eastern Ukraine and had weakened Kyiv’s defenses along the frontline in a boost to Moscow.”7

Note the three points being made in this article from Reuters. First, Ukraine’s Kursk initiative has failed but avoids mention of NATO involvement. Second, Russia is advancing at a faster rate in Eastern Ukraine. Third, the invasion of Kursh has weakened Ukrainian defenses in Eastern Ukraine because the former used its best soldiers to invade Russia in Kursk. This strategic mistake makes it easier for Russia to overcome the weak defenses in Eastern Ukraine. 

The CCH August 15, 2024 article concluded: “NATO is delusional. Their fiasco in Kursk is the biggest demonstration of their irrationality and delusion.” We can say the same for Ukraine. Both now want to convince the US and other allies to use long-range missiles to hit deeper into Russia, including Moscow.8

If this act of desperation and fanaticism happens, say “Welcome!” to World War III. And that, dear friends, would be ugly. That would ultimately mean the massive use of nuclear weapons all over the world, killing billions of humans around the world, not to speak of massive destruction of the planet’s ecosystems and the millions of species living in them. 

 Let us all hope that cooler and more strategic heads prevail. Let us pray that humanity survives the madness and evil that has been unleashed on the entire world. 


  1. https://sputnikglobe.com/20240903/ukraine-loses-over-9000-troops-since-its-incursion-into-border-areas-of-russias-kursk-region-1119999059.html ↩︎
  2. https://sonar21.com/ukraine-loses-17-of-its-f-16-force-and-other-bad-news-for-ukraine-that-is/. See also,   https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2024/9/2/russia-launches-barrage-of-drones-and-missiles-at-kyiv ↩︎
  3. https://sonar21.com/russian-offensive-picking-up-steam/ ↩︎
  4. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/why-is-russia-seeking-capture-strategic-city-pokrovsk-eastern-ukraine-2024-08-27/ ↩︎
  5. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraines-top-commander-says-fighting-pokrovsk-front-exceptionally-tough-2024-08-29/. See also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wTRwDUej8s “Ukrainians Flee – Russia Storms Pokrovsk”.  ↩︎
  6. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/why-is-russia-seeking-capture-strategic-city-pokrovsk-eastern-ukraine-2024-08-27/ ↩︎
  7. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-says-ukraines-kursk-incursion-has-failed-slow-donbas-advance-2024-09-05/ ↩︎
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/zelenskiy-says-west-should-permit-long-range-attacks-supply-more-weapons-2024-09-02/ ↩︎


  1. At the end of WW2, General Patton wanted to attack ‘Stalin’s Russia to stop Communism once and for all. But he was stopped by his superiors. so Communism survived and spread further in Europe after WW2. Then, WW2 benefited the opportunistic Mao in China and the country became communist despite of American capability to win there. Then, there were 2 Koreas when the North was lost to communists and the US aided South democratic, Then Vietnam became communist despite of American presence and involvement in the Vietnam war, that JFK threatened to dissolve the CIA after he learned that the war is meant to loose. There seems to be a pattern that when the US is at war with communists, the US loose. These loses I believe are intentional and planned. Russia was able to acquire atomic technology secrets during WW2 when the technology was leaked to them through the same secret brotherhood that led to the death of Major George Jordan who exposed the tyranny. Indeed the communist supporters are seated in the US government and private businesses since WW2. And today, the same pattern is happening that the US is losing Ukraine. If the US will support Philippines or Taiwan in a war with communist China, then the result is so predictable as history teach us. It will always be a controlled war designed for the communists to win.

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