The Three Companies That Own The World

The following is a meme summarizing the world’s centralization of power and money in the hands of three corporations: Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street.
Editor’s Note: If you want to know the actual details of the New World Order, here is a graphic summary. Yes, the existence of a power structure behind the New World Order is real. It is not a conspiracy theory. Understand it, and you will understand many things happening in the world today.
For those who want to explore this topic further, we encourage you to watch Who Owns The World? It is a one-hour documentary created by Tim Gielen.
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If you dig into who owns these corporations you will arrive to the fact that these corporate giants are owned by Freemasons. Its in this secret brotherhood where the power and control rests. The brotherhood has controls in the military, politics, media, industries, transportation, organizations, services and even religions. Who controls Freemasonry then? The occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and those in the high ranks of Freemasonry like Albert Pike knew. Its not the Communist Jews who controls Freemasonry. The real puppet masters are so clever to conceal themselves behind the works of every secretive organizations and individuals they control like Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates.
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Somebody shared this in the internet I hope it will not be deleted: