This March 31, 2023 article by Danyal Hussain for Daily Mail reveals the impending plan of the ANZ to stop customers from withdrawing money over the counter. ANZ, one of the biggest banks in Australia, says that only certain branches will be affected by this change and that customers will still be able to withdraw money via ATM.
ANZ insists that the majority of its customers now prefer digital banking and electronic payments and only 8% rely on cash.
The report says that bank branches across Australia have fallen by 30% compared to the last five years and ATMs have decreased even more.
Editor’s Note: We hope that by now, people already understand the role of cash in preserving our privacy and freedom [See Bank of England propose to use digital money to put “restrictions on people’s freedom”. Also, read Paypal Launches Attack on Free Speech].
If you want to preserve cash, we encourage you to keep using it in the majority of your transactions. This is the only way to prevent countries from permanently banning cash and instituting digital currency.
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