July 27, 2024

CCH CALL TO ACTION!!! Protest SB 1869 ON MAY 15, 16, AND 17, 2023, SENATE GROUNDS

CCH CALL TO ACTION!!! Protest SB 1869 ON MAY 15, 16, AND 17, 2023, SENATE GROUNDS

We delayed SB 1869 enactment last week. Thank you for all the support and collective efforts. But the battle is not over

The Senators will be back in plenary on May 15, 2023 at 3PM. 

They will rush SB1869 as PBBM certified the bill for “immediate enactment”!

They will attempt to do this anytime from May 15-17, 2023. 

We must stop this totalitarian bill!

We must stop WHO/DOH medical dictatorship!

We must stop WHO/DOH continuous lockdowns!

We must stop WHO/DOH mandatory vaccinations! 

We must stop WHO/DOH 24/7 surveillance and digital prisons!

We must stop the sex maniacs and pedophiles at the WHO and the UN before they turn Filipino children into mentally disturbed sex addicts.  

For those who want to know the facts about SB1869, click these links:

JOIN CCH from May 15-17, 2023 to stop SB 1869.

Assemble at the Philippine Senate, 4PM.

Those who can be there earlier, please do so.

Join our proven effective form of resistance: Forming two parallel lines, demanding “NO to SB1869!”  as the Senators and staff leave the Senate. 

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