#BoycottStarbucks Trends After Starbucks Announces It’s Going Cashless

#BoycottStarbucks has trended on Twitter just a few hours after British broadcaster and political commentator Sophie Corcoran shared a photo from a Starbucks store that said “We’re going cashless. From 1st October 2022, we will only be accepting card, contactless, and Starbucks rewards payments”. The report on this was written by Thomas Lambert and was published by The Counter Signal last August 30, 2022.

Many took the photo as an announcement that all Starbucks branches would go cashless, but the company was quick to say that this was limited to individual stores. The company says, “In the UK, we operate alongside various licensee business partners, which means this may vary from store to store, and the majority of stores continue to offer cash payments to customers.”

Editor’s Note: This article opens several insights. First, it galvanizes the fact that Twitter is now the world’s public square as a lot of its users are here to engage in public discourse.

Second, the #BoycottStarbucks trend shows us the power of consumers, regular citizens, to affect business decisions. It is proof that as long as we band together towards a specific goal, we can make our voices heard.

The fact that Starbucks was forced to make a statement about this news is proof of the damage that the trend was causing them.

Third, we are now witnessing why Twitter is being forced to censor “unacceptable views”. It is proof that when people get full access to information, they will be able to make decisions that are ethical and socially just.

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