Ukraine is Losing the War, and So is Europe

In this July 27, 2022 article for the Ron Paul Institute, Oscar Silva-Valladares talks about the damages sustained by Europe in its meddling in the war between Ukraine and Russia.
According to Valladares, “only significant political alterations in the European countries that matter -namely France, Germany, and Italy- will allow a meaningful change of course from the current path of confrontation with Russia and ultimately economic self-destruction. Otherwise, any political initiative towards solving the war will be left in the hands of Russia and the United States and, if that is the case, any lasting agreement will not have European interests at heart.”
Editor’s Note: They want you to think that Russian soldiers are engaging in criminal behavior, and the Russian government has violated a peace pact to justify the US and Europe’s support for the continuation of the war, instead of brokering a peaceful resolution.1
They also want you to think that Ukraine is winning, to justify the billions of dollars funneled by countries to support this war when millions of their own citizens are barely able to keep up with the rising cost of living and the economic crises being experienced within their borders.2
If Ukraine is anywhere near winning the war, then why does Boris Johnson think that it will run until the end of 2023?
You need to ask yourself, why are governments bankrolling Ukraine, when it is clear that the war will only end when the two countries negotiate on the terms? Why is the US ordering Ukraine to stop peace talks with Russia?
Why are the US and Europe so hell-bent on keeping the crisis in Ukraine alive, when their own economies are already suffering as a consequence of the sanctions they placed on Russia?
Could it be because Russia is opposing “their” Great Reset Plan? [See Russia Wants To Build A New “Democratic World Order”, Putin at Russian Davos: Unipolar World Order Has Ended, Public Seminar Episode 42: Russia Defeating Ukraine. Challenges New World Order., Public Seminar Episode 45: Science Destroys “Safe and Effective” Fairy Tale. Putin Dares NWO to Fight Russia in Battle].
Or is it because other world leaders have other interests related to Ukraine? [See Is Ukraine’s Digital ID System a Blue Print for WEF’s Great Reset?, US built biolabs in Ukraine to “dismantle weapons of mass destruction”, Food Shortages As New Global Health Crises: Another Plot To Control People?, While we were distracted by Will Smith, the Elites were planning how to take over the world].
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