In this January 19, 2022, article published by The Telegraph, Sarah Knapton reports on the recent statement by UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid who admitted that “many people being included in the [death] count who ‘would not have necessarily died of Covid’”.
Javid says: “around 40 percent of the people with Covid in hospital are there not because they’ve got Covid, but they happen to have Covid, so it’s what you might call an incidental infection”.
Javid adds incidental infection during Delta was double the percentage, and that is significant as many reports of people who were COVID-positive within 28 days of passing away did not necessarily die of COVID.
Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser at the UK Health Security Agency confirmed Javid’s observation.
Editor’s Note: It is important to note that the UK is not the only country making the distinction between dying DUE TO Covid, and dying WITH Covid.
In February 2022, British Columbia provincial health officer Bonnie Henry made the same statements as Javid. Henry said that half of the province’s hospitalizations since December 1, 2021, were not admitted due to COVID, and that they only tested positive for the virus after being admitted for other reasons. She says: “it’s not COVID that’s driving them to the hospital”. Based on the data from the province, 73% of COVID-19 patients in the hospital had received either one or two COVID shots which 26.3% are unvaccinated.
Meanwhile, the US government started recalculating the number of Covid hospitalization to reflect the true impact of Covid on health care systems.[efn_note][/efn_note] Eric Topol, a professor of molecular medicine and former advisory board member of the Covid Tracking project said that recalculating the hospitalization and death rate of COVID will not be easy.
So the question now is: why didn’t governments ensure from the beginning of the pandemic that data on cases and hospitalizations of those WITH Covid could be easily separated from those who are in the hospital or have died DUE TO Covid? That would have required the addition of only a few more items to fill out in the hospital form, but that would be easier compared to what the government plans to do now.
Did governments purposely make the reporting convoluted in anticipation of the day when hospitalization and death rates are going to be recalculated? Could the over-estimated figures mentioned by both Javid and Henry be true from the very beginning of the “pandemic”?
Isn’t it convenient that they are accepting this fact now, after two years, millions of vaccines, and millions of dollars are wasted on COVID-policies based on erroneous data?
For Filipinos, we hope that you take notice of this. Even with this anomaly in case and death reporting our COVID statistics from 2020 were already very low. In fact, we did not have excess deaths at the end of the year, even when the “pandemic” was supposedly raging in the country [see PSA data on deaths shows government either manipulating us or covering up their mistake].
When the vaccines finally arrived, our excess deaths surged, instead of falling [see 2021 Excess Deaths in the Philippines Shows Pandemic, but it is Not COVID]. Why?
Why did our government subject us to two years of lockdown only for the situation to get worse? Why is the government still insisting we are not yet ready to lift the whole “pandemic” charade now that the situation is so much better than 2021?
How many of the 2020 and 2021 COVID deaths were incidental? How many of the 2021 deaths were vaccine-induced? When will our own government have the balls to make the death audits?
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