BATCH 2 | FROM FEAR TO HOPE: A Workshop On Flourishing In The Age Of Pandemics


Why this Workshop

Most Filipinos live in fear. We continue learning scary stories from the government and media about COVID-19. We became so full of fear that we became fear itself. Life has lost its excitement and luster.

But inside us, there is a force that yearns for truth and freedom. Our extremely intelligent immune system is just one mighty manifestation of this force in us. This power can conquer the virus and all its variants while, at the same time, deeply connecting us with our true humanity. Know this force. It is our ticket from despair to hope.

We invite you to undertake a UNIQUE journey with us from fear to hope. In this journey, we will learn how to break the grip of fear in us, including:

  • The true nature of COVID-19 “epidemic”, vaccines and lockdowns.
  • The human immune system: how effective and what force controls it?
  • How fear shuts down our reason and immune system.
  • The new sciences of biology, astrophysics, and neuroscience: how they can help cure COVID-19 and unleash the full potential of this force in oneself.
  • Flourish in the emerging age of pandemics of all kinds: biological, censorship, surveillance, behavioral manipulation, and massive attacks on humanity.
  • Who we really are and our planetary mission; plus other hopeful ideas.

Pre-requisite: If this article and podcast resonate with you, then this workshop may be for you. and

Resource Person: Nicanor Perlas has facilitated hundreds of workshops nationally and globally (25 countries) on a diverse range of topics including COVID-19, artificial intelligence, post-materialist science, societal threefolding, transpersonal psychology, and self-transformation. For the global impact of his work, he has received many awards for including the Outstanding Filipino Award and the Alternative Nobel Prize.

Investment for Inner Peace and Health.
PHP 4,000 for 2 days inclusive of workshop fees, lodging and organic food. Compare this 2K/day with NCR PHP 5,000/day just for event fee. For more information: Arrival/departure times, directions, safety measures, and others, contact Espie Oebanda, Program Coordinator
at 0926-723-6556.

Testimonials for Fear to Hope Workshop

“The workshop has … demonstrated the power of hope and collective awakening as consciousness evolves amidst the darkness.. It was affirming of the reality of the Great Spirit manifesting individually and collectively…. to restore balance and unity of the divine and humane… thus activating light and life forces towards a more evolved civilization.”


Indigenous tribal leader

“I usually participate in a lot of seminars and trainings. [Compared with the others,] this one hit me real [hard]. Each and every day of this seminar, my mind continued thinking, session after session. … I saw how wonderful God had created the world and the people. [We] have our own [immune] system to fight any kind of viruses attacking us.”


Student Leader, Mindoro

“My key takeaways from the workshop are: 1) The pandemic serves a purpose for the collective consciousness to arise. 2) Our response to the pandemic will decide on the kind of future we create for ourselves. 3) There is a trajectory that humanity is destined to go – like a rocket in a launching pad – and each has to take on the challenge to heed this call—individually and as humanity as a whole. …  I likened this workshop to cleaning my “glass window”—once wiped from dirt and debris—everything seems to be in vivid colors looking inside-out. But, more than that, my reflection of myself is untainted and shows me what I am “really” made of.”


Chief of Staff in a government agency

“The workshop “From Fear to Hope” is a very empowering, enriching and evocative process and learning experience for those who are seriously asking the question of: What is the human being? What is the fully-human in relation to a world that faces consequential challenges, and how can we face these challenges with courage?  Ultimately, the workshop allows for an inner experience, that gives rise to the realization that to a certain extent the challenges we face can be reframed and seen as a gift, that is calling to us to be more courageous, and to value, fight for and embody our freedom and a greater sense of compassion for each other.”


Council Member for the Youth Sector, Ecosystem of Stakeholders for Sustainable Agriculture (ESSA)

“The following are the impact and realization on my part:  1. That I have nothing to worry about whatever illness or virus that will come; all I need to do is to always strengthen my immune system. And that there is a universe inside us that works harmoniously no matter how complicated our body system is. 2. That there is overflowing hope inside us; we can make a difference, … no matter how complicated the situation is. [We are] humans, always seeking for truth, justice and happiness”


Program Coordinator, Center for Bayanihan Economics

“The workshop … strongly affirmed my purpose in life which is to influence my fellow youth for the benefit of the whole. I am very proud to my co-participants because they embraced the “call” of our Source to be part of this movement and the collective actions as the response to a crime against humanity.”


Member, youth sector, ESSA

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