Brussels court orders Belgian state to lift all coronavirus measures


The following article was published by the VRT News last March 31, 2021. According to the report, a Brussels Court has deemed all coronavirus measures imposed in the country to be unconstitutional. To quote: “Within thirty days, the government must give the corona measures a solid legal basis, and if it does not, it must pay a penalty of €5,000 per day that the measures remain in effect”.

The ruling came after the League for Human Rights went to court because it felt that current coronavirus measures did not have a proper legal basis. At present, the government uses the Civil Safety Act of 2007 to issue Ministerial Decrees which does not require input from the parliament.

In a statement to the press, Kati Verstrepen, chairperson for the League of Human Rights said, “Corona measures are necessary and the government must protect us against the virus, but we have always said that it must be with respect for our fundamental rights and that is not the case at the moment”.

The decision came as the Chamber was scheduled to debate the passing of Belgium’s pandemic law which will provide the permanent legal basis for imposing these kinds of restrictive measures during a pandemic.

The article below is in German, but can be translated using Deep L Translate.

Editor’s Note: Though there are still a number of steps that must be done in order for all coronavirus measures to be lifted in Belgium, this victory will serve as a message for all democratic countries to prioritize human rights. The passing of any law that curtails the freedom of citizens is against most constitutions and should not be taken lightly. If governments truly cared for its people, then they must realize that their ultimate role is not only to ensure the survival of its peoples, it is also to help them live a meaningful and dignified life.

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