In this article originally published by Swiss Policy Research on December 31, 2020, we see a public presentation given by Dr. Andrew Hill. Dr. Hill is the spearhead of a World Health Organization (WHO)-sponseored meta-analysis of randomized control trials of Ivermectin for the treatment of symptomatic COVID-19. Based on Dr. Hill’s preliminary results, he found that the use of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 resulted to a highly significant 83% reduction in COVID mortality.
Dr. Hill also found that Ivermectin drastically reduced viral clearance time, faster recovery (discharge) time.
The meta-analysis was concluded on January 20, 2021 showing a result of 75% reduction in COVID mortality. The data does not include results in ambulatory and prophylactic treatment.
Visit the original link to view the 12-minute presentation by Dr. Hill.
Editor’s Note: This article is for the detractors of Ivermectin who insist that there is no proof showing the effectiveness and safety of the drug for COVID-19. We simply cannot understand how these people, some of whom are doctors, can simply write off Ivermectin when many people are suffering.
Even though the results of this study will still need to be confirmed by a large scale clinical trial, we can say with confidence that resource-deprived countries like the Philippines need to start using Ivermectin, as soon as possible. Delaying the widespread use of this drug is irresponsible, especially with our hospitals getting overwhelmed by mild COVID cases, while patients suffering from more serious illnesses are being turned away. Ivermectin can help us unclog our ailing health care system and ease the panic among our people.
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