More US states abandon draconian restrictions

In this article for the American Institute for Economic Research, Jordan Schachtel reports on the increasing number of state leaders who are declaring an end to lockdowns and mask mandates. As of March 3, 2021, when the article came out, 16 states have ended draconian COVID restrictions, with Mississippi and Texas the latest to join the trend.

Editor’s Note: As more states lift mask mandates and lockdowns, we wonder how the other 34 states can keep their lies. As citizens from states with coronavirus restrictions see that the statistics of open states do not worsen with the lifting of the restrictions, only an individual with a severe Stockholm syndrome will continue following unscientific policies. In the same manner, countries around the world will now have to look into their own local situations as the experience in the US, the country regarded as “hardest hit by the coronavirus”, is showing that the mainstream COVID narrative is changing.

On the other hand, we hope that all the leaders of the 16 states truly understand the science of their decisions. We hope they didn’t decide to lift the restrictions because they were tired, or because it was unpopular. This is important as COVID-like symptoms are bound to return during the flu season, and they must stand by the science and logic behind their decisions. As the past year has shown us, there is no way that the government can ever control the course of SARS-CoV-2[efn_note]Even Joe Biden has accepted this reality when he said, “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”. See[/efn_note]

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2 responses to “More US states abandon draconian restrictions”

  1. Doctator Avatar

    Updated full 2020 Philippines preliminary death statistics (, w/c obviously is lagged due to possible reporting delays, shows a lower raw death totals than 2019. I hope an article gets posted about this here and also elsewhere in local mainstream media to help spread this info.

    1. thanks for this. We did actually create an article which included this info, see But you are right, we should probably create a feature on death statistics in the Philippines.

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