New study confirms HCQ could have saved lives, SARS-CoV-2 can be controlled without lockdowns, and vaccines

New study confirms HCQ could have saved lives, SARS-CoV-2 can be controlled without lockdowns, and vaccines

The following article was published on January 1, 2021, in The American Journal of Medicine (AJM). It was written by health experts including Peter McCullough, Ronan Kelly, William O’Neill, Marcus Zervos, and Harvey Risch, among several others.

In this study, the researchers developed an emergency treatment protocol for confirmed COVID-19 and suspected false-negative patients who are presenting symptoms of the disease. They explain why a large randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical trial could not be used for assessing some of the treatments they have recommended, and stresses that all of the treatments included in the protocol have been assessed for efficacy and safety.

The early treatment protocol includes the use of zinc lozenges and zinc sulfate, the opening of windows to allow patients to breathe fresh air, and the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), azithromycin, and other antivirals.

Editor’s Note: This article is important because it puts into concrete terms the proposal of The Great Barrington Declaration [see The Great Barrington Declaration: Life must return to normal for the healthy, the vulnerable must be protected]. The protocol shows us that only those who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 must be quarantined and isolated. It also shows us that there is no need to hospitalize those who are experiencing mild symptoms, and specific instructions are given to those who live with the patient to ensure that the contagion is controlled. This strategy will ensure that hospitals are not inundated, and will allow the healthy population to continue with their lives as normal.

Another important feature of the protocol is this: it offers simple and accessible treatment alternatives which prevent the disease from progressing to a severe level. It means that at the first onset of symptoms, doctors can already offer some treatment to the patient, hence reducing the panic and fear. It gives us a message that no one has to die unnecessarily from COVID-19 – we already have the medicine and the treatment options available to cure the disease.

This then brings us to a very important point: We have the means to control and address COVID-19 without needing to utilize extreme measures such as lockdowns and experimental vaccines.

To close, we just want to raise the following questions: if governments and health authorities truly care about the health and wellbeing of citizens, why did they preoccupy themselves with new, expensive drugs and treatment protocols when there was preliminary evidence showing that HCQ and other antiviral drugs were working against COVID-19? Why didn’t they throw support to a more thorough study of these possibilities? Why did they sacrifice our livelihoods, and our children’s futures waiting for experimental drugs and vaccines that had no real assurance of efficacy and safety?

In light of this new article from AJM, we must be vigilant about the next steps of our governments. Will they finally come to their senses, or will they continue with the lies?

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