Year: 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is also a threat to traditional politics
As the number of individuals infected with SARS-COV-2 increases, citizen trust in politicians continues to fall. For author Matthew Flinders, the coronavirus puts additional pressure on political institutions as citizens live in constant anxiety and narratives of impending doom are continuously repeated. In crisis fatigue, the public begins to question the ability of their governments…
Here’s how the rest of the world is dealing with COVID-19
The entire world is in panic as the number of people infected with the SARS-COV-2 virus continues to soar. In this article for Vox, Allegra Frank and Constance Grady introduce to us the various strategies implemented by countries to curb the spread of the COVID-19 disease. Is there any one strategy that is more effective than…
Why does Germany have a lower death rate due to COVID-19?
Based on Germany’s experience, we now know that it is possible to control deaths due to COVID-19 without implementing lockdowns. Early detection, a quick response system, and a robust health care system, all seem to have contributed to Germany’s success. Read Original Article
Why did countries choose lockdowns as a solution to COVID-19?
In this article for the World Economic Forum, Samantha Sault explains how a lockdown works and why it has become necessary to implement it. The goal, researchers say, is to reduce the number of infections so as not to overwhelm healthcare systems, particularly in countries with fewer resources. Two strategies are currently being used to control…
Iceland testing shows that half of coronavirus carriers have no symptoms
Iceland has tested 5% of its entire population for SARS-COV-2, and though less than 1% have come back positive for the virus, authorities say that half of those infected are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. The data is currently being used to support the move towards widescale lockdowns. But there is one important question that…
How can herd immunity stop the spread of the coronavirus?
While it is horrifying to think of, it is important for us to understand why several governments are refusing to implement lockdowns. There is, in fact, sound science that backs up this move. In this article for the MIT Technology Review, Antonio Regalado explains what herd immunity is and why it is important in breaking an…
Gregg Braden: Our bodies know how to fight COVID-19
This 3-minute video is a part of a longer interview between Gregg Braden and London Real. In this interview, Braden says that our bodies are not a product of random evolution. Instead, the millions of years of evolution have prepared our bodies so that we can thrive in an age of illness such as today. Braden stresses…
Here’s why you must avoid stress during this time of COVID-19
Stress, loneliness, and the lack of sleep can make you susceptible to COVID-19, says associate professor Christopher Fagundes. According to Fagundes, these factors could compromise the immune system and lead to the overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines. What does this mean exactly for our health? The field of psychoimmunology highlights the connection between our physical and mental…
Panic increases the risk for COVID-19
In this article for Psychology Today, Alane Daugherty explains the connection between our emotional and physical health. Daugherty says that unrelenting stress, anxiety, and depression reduces our immune system’s capacity to fight against viruses and could lead to greater susceptibility to COVID-19. Daugherty also offers some suggestions on how we can calm our nerves, and improve…
Why is handwashing important?
In this article for the Smithsonian Magazine, Katherine Wu dives in-depth to the importance of hand washing. Even though it sounds inconsequential, there is a science behind this activity. As it turns out, the SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 can be killed by a good wash of water and soap.