This Off Guardian article written by Rosemary Frei analyzes the TED Connects interview given by Bill Gates last March 24, 2020. In the interview, Gates talks about the economic consequences of the lockdowns and how the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust are fast-tracking the creation of vaccines in order to end this lockdown.
Frei highlights some issues with the interview. For example, she says that Gates and Chris Anderson (interviewer) started talking about anti-virals, vaccines and other therapeutics despite the fact that most people who contract the coronavirus exhibit mild symptoms and do no require treatments. Allowing people to develop natural, long-lasting immunity to COVID-19 is against the interest of big businesses represented by Gates, and hence, undesirable for the powers that be.
Editor’s Note: Until now, the WHO has refused to acknowledge the reality that COVID-19 is not as infectious or as lethal as it was originally believed to be. It has not made an official pronouncement of the end of the pandemic despite the decrease in the number of cases worldwide. It has also refused to instruct countries to lift all lockdowns despite the evidences pointing to its failure [see article category Is A Lockdown Necessary? for proof].
This article has just explained to us the reason why Big Tech is censoring information that goes against WHO advisory.
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