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Covid Call To Humanity
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Dear friends, 

There is so much to be thankful for, despite the chaos around us! First, we, Filipinos, have once again raised our voices to call on our government to safeguard our sovereignty. The petition we have released last week has now been transmitted to the Senate! 

Second, freedom fighters in the Philippines have launched a successful event, the Healing from Covid Lockdown and Mandatory Vaccination! 

See our latest newsletter below to learn more, and share this release to your family and friends! 

Onward to healing and freedom,

CCH Editorial Team

CCH Sends Senate Petition of Filipinos to Stop SB1869 and WHO Agreements
Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) informed the Philippine Senate today that more than 550 Filipinos have signed a Petition to the Senate demanding the Senate stop the SB1869 and the…
WATCH ON RUMBLE: Nicanor Perlas on WHO Power Grab: Pandemic Treaty & IHR Amendments = Path to Global Martial Law.
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