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Covid Call To Humanity
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Dear friends, 

We have received reports that some of our subscribers have not received several newsletters from us, so we are resending this release. If you have received this and acted on the petition to stop the WHO power grab, thank you, and kindly disregard this message. 

If you have signed the petition, thank you! Please also forward this newsletter to your family and friends. 

The deadline to sign the petition is nearing and our opportunity to raise our voices is closing. Now is the time to show our government that we disagree that WHO should have the capacity to dictate what happens to our health and our freedom. 

Thank you again for your support! 


CCH Editorial Team

Examining the Legacy: Prescription Drugs and Mortality in the US
The article provides an analysis of the impact of prescription drugs on mortality, highlighting psychiatric drugs as the third leading cause of death in the United States. It examines the methodology used to assess drug-related deaths, citing underestimations due to limited study times and exclusions of many categories of deaths.…
CALL TO ACTION: Sign the Petition to Stop the WHO Power Grab, Deadline: May 17, 2024. 
Covid Call to Humanity has started a Petition to the President of the Philippines, the Senate and the House of Representatives to withdraw the support of the Philippine Government from the two WHO Agreements under negotiation. CCH refers to the WHO Pandemic Agreement and the Amendents to the International Health…
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