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Heritage Foundation Analyzes the WHO Pandemic Treaty Draft, Deems it a Failure
This critical piece written by Brett SchaeferandSteven Groves for The Heritage Foundation casts doubt on the capacity of the World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty to address the needs of…
Other Articles of Interest
AstraZeneca Withdraws COVID Vaccine Worldwide
The Oxford-AstraZeneca has withdrawn its marketing authorization following its admission that its COVID vaccine can cause a rare and dangerous side effect . AstraZeneca says, however, that the timing was…
National Digital ID System Is Coming To Australia: What It Means For Citizens
In this article for 9News, Daniel Jeffrey discusses the implications of legislation for national ID in Australia. The law, which passed the Senate in late March is due to be…
Newsweek: Putin Is Not Going To Invade Another NATO Ally
In this article for Newsweek, Rebekah Koffler argues against the idea that Putin intends to invade another NATO ally. It asserts that while Putin’s actions should be scrutinized, assumptions about…
EMA Data Exposes True Extent of COVID Vaccine Harm
The following article features a 50-minute interview between Anna-Merel Kloosterman, who represents the vaccine-injured in the Netherlands, Sonia Elijah, and Wouter Aukema, a data expert and ethical computer hacker. Collaborating…
US Rep. Chip Roy: We Need to Limit Federal Power Expansion
Chip Roy discussed the internal struggle within the Republican Party between limited government conservatives and radical progressives. Roy emphasized the need to uphold constitutional limits and resist federal power expansion,…
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