Covid Call To Humanity Covid Call To Humanity
PETITION TO PBBM, SENATE, AND CONGRESS: STOP THE W.H.O.CONTROL OF NATIONS, The WHO Proposed Agreements Legitimize Global Medical Martial Law
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May 27 to June 01, 2024, will be the days that will either mark the Great Awakening or the Great Downfall of humanity. The World Health Assembly (WHA) will meet on these days. The WHA will determine, decisively, whether humans will live with honor and dignity or cower like slaves under totalitarianism for decades and even centuries to come.

On that day, governments will determine whether to remove humanity’s human rights, freedoms, democracy, free speech, and privacy in exchange for the supposed health security of humanity. On the one hand, there is the choice to embrace the illusory health promise of mRNA vaccines that have already killed millions and harmed tens of millions. On the other, there is the imperative to defend truth, freedom, and human rights and advance real health based on genuine scientific truths and protocols.

Should governments choose the lockdown, surveillance, and death regime of the now-confirmed mRNA bioweapon vaccines, then the world will have plunged itself into a global dictatorship that will subdue all areas of human existence.

Concretely, government officials via the WHA will decide whether to approve or reject two control instruments of the World Health Organization (WHO). These are the Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the new Pandemic Treaty.


We have not forgotten!

We remember all the destructive lockdowns, the quarantines, the social distancing, the deadly experimental vaccines that were imposed on billions around the planet.

Do we remember the confirmed 297,000 excess deaths recorded by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)?

We remember that, most likely, 187,000 of these excess deaths were due to the COVID-19 vaccines which scientists and lawmakers are showing to have been bioweapons.

We will not forget the role of WHO in this ongoing genocide of humanity.

The WHO justified declaring a COVID pandemic based on mainstreaming highly inaccurate RT-PCR tests.

WHO knew there was no scientific basis for lockdowns. Yet WHO locked down the world in collaboration with governments. Now hundreds of articles demonstrate that his lockdown policy was a disaster. In the Philippines alone, two million small businesses were destroyed, forcing millions into poverty.

WHO knew that the science behind the masks was of low quality. Yet, it supported the massive mandatory wearing of face masks.

The Covid vaccines have now killed over 17 million people and injured tens of millions more. Yet WHO never once tried to stop this mass slaughter of humanity.

WHO has marginalized the amazing powers of the human immune system which is the foundation of real health and is the foundational basis of traditional vaccines.


These outrageous violations of human rights and massive deaths will not only return. WHO will crack down on humanity many, many times harder as compared with all the unscientific COVID protocols. These oppressive measures will be made a permanent feature of human existence.

WHO now seeks to fool nations with its two instruments of control.

WHO has violated its own rules in the crafting of the IHR and the Pandemic Treaty.

WHO is forcing governments to approve the instruments of control by not allowing governments to have enough time to examine and debate the documents.

The WHO deadline for a final draft was months ago. Yet, they have no final draft until now.

Despite its massive failures in world health, the WHO wants to continue with its failed COVID policies and even expand this to larger areas of control.

The WHO, in Orwellian language that often hides its intent, wants to have more lockdowns, quarantines, deadly mRNA vaccines, digital IDs, surveillance, and censorship. It can do this in a mere pretext of a potential pandemic.

WHO says there are no such provisions in the Pandemic Treaty but they are found all over the place in its proposed amendments to the IHR.

And in a new twist, WHO aims to distribute its central totalitarian power to petty nation-state dictators who want to share profits arising from deadly vaccines.

We know because we have done our research on these issues. We have also read the five Briefing Papers of Covid Call to Humanity on the treasonous nature of Senate Bill No. 1869 and the WHO.1 Many of the facts we assert are contained in these five Briefing Papers [1] [2] [3] [4] [5].


We believe in the sovereignty and independence of nations and democratic processes. That will be all gone under the two agreements that WHO is fraudulently forcing down the throat of government leaders. The WHO will reign Supreme.

Forget about the powers of the President of a country. Forget about the powers of the legislative branches of government. Forget about the rule of law as embodied in a fair and equitable justice system. Al these things will not matter when a country decides to surrender itself to the two WHO Agreements.

Filipinos want to live with their freedoms, health, privacy, access to truthful information, dignity, and other God-given rights intact.

We therefore demand the country’s President, Senators, and Representatives to:

Protect Philippine democracy and abide by our Constitution;

Join other intelligent and astute lawmakers and heads of government who are waking up to the WHO trap.

Stop the enactment of SB 1869 which will turn the WHO nightmare into reality;

Send a message of refusal to WHO that the Philippines cannot honor a process steeped in fraud and designed to confuse and corral governments into submission.

So help us God!

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