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WHO Official Testifies in Court: Government Knew in 2021 That Vaccines Were Ineffective, Vaccine Passports Were Useless
In this April 12, 2024, article, Investigative journalist Paul Thacker reports on the stunning revelations of Dr. Hanna Nohynek in a court case against vaccine passports filed by Finnish citizen…
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Scott Ritter: Iranian Attack Was Only A Warning to Israel, Western Countries
In this 19-minute video interview with George Galloway, Scott Ritter analyzes what happened during the Iranian missile strikes last April 15, 2024, and what might happen next. Ritter calls it…
Brazil’s Supreme Court is Threatening X For Refusing To Censor Accounts
Brazil has launched a legal investigation on Musk after X defied the court order for the censorship of several popular accounts. Musk says, “This judge has brazenly and repeatedly betrayed…
Veteran Journalist Breaks Down How NPR and Legacy Media Lost America’s Trust
In this article, Uri Berliner, a senior editor at the NPR discusses has NPR shifted from a trusted news source to a very biased one. Berliner says, “It’s true NPR…
EU Chief Diplomat War Mongers, Claims Russia A Threat to Europe
European Union’s chief diplomat Josep Borrel has called on European countries to fund the Ukraine war to stop Russia. In a speech at an economic forum in Brussels, Borrel said…
Louisiana Senate Passes Bill Saying WHO, UN, and WEF Has No Jurisdiction Over The State
Senate Bill 133 (SB 133) has been unanimously passed by the Louisiana Senate. The bill passed by a vote of 37 yeas and 0 nays, and has now been sent…
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