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Covid Call To Humanity
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Dear Friends, 

Just this morning, I was thinking: It's been almost four years since we first started this website! This month, four years ago, a friend of mine traveling to China asked another friend working at the World Health Organization (WHO) whether he should worry about a new virus circulating in the country. Our friend from WHO said,  "No, nothing to be alarmed about"; he's probably surprised at how things have turned out since then.

We know we are. When we launched this site in April 2020, we thought that the panic would subside soon, after all, the science was saying that we had all the tools we needed to overcome the "pandemic". After the release of the Open Letter to then-President Duterte, Nicanor and I honestly thought that the restrictions would end in a matter of weeks, no more than a month.

But here we are, four years since then, and our battle has evolved from merely curating the scientific research, to fighting an information war, The Great Reset, and fighting for The Great Awakening of Humanity. 

We were discriminated against, vilified, judged, and branded as conspiracy theorists. Despite the challenges, we still stand, we continue to fight for truth. Then came the censorship and the attempts to silence us. We've had to create several Facebook pages, over the years, and each time, these pages were taken down. 

CCH's earlier FB pages reached more than 200,000 people on the days when we aired Kalayaan News and the Sunday Public Seminar. Once we started gaining momentum, FB would shut down our pages, causing many of our audiences to lose contact. Then last year, after the SB 1869 debacle, our FB account, which had more than 5,000 subscribers, was taken down without notice. We tried to retrieve it to no avail. We knew early on that FB was not going to be a reliable platform for distribution, but we tried to keep peace with Zuckerberg's creation, to ensure that our fellow Filipinos would be able to access real information about global developments relating to the various streams of The Great Reset.

To date, we still maintain an FB group, but we know it is only a matter of time before this, too gets censored. If you want to keep updated with our work, we encourage you to follow us on Rumble, Telegram, and of course, X (Twitter)! The best part is that it's not just CCH that's on X (Twitter), you can also find Nicanor Perlas!

Our X profile is called Truth Force Earth, and that's for a very important reason. But, that's an announcement for another newsletter!

For now, we hope you take the time to bookmark our social pages, and if you still have space, you may also want to subscribe to our newsletter. 

The COVID hysteria may have passed, but our work is just beginning. If you are looking for some much-needed inspiration, come follow us on our social pages above, but most especially, join us on Twitter, and let's get the discussion rolling! 


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