Category: Guest Contributions
Got Vaccinated and Regretting It? Ways to Cope (Part 1)
“If you want trouble, you’ll get trouble. Tell others not do it.” Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi[efn_note]COVID Shots to “Decimate World Population,” Warns Dr. Bhakdi – The New American[/efn_note], virologist and proven expert on microbiology, warned us not to get the serum[efn_note]Serum. It’s another word to call covid-injection since the ‘vaccination’ word is not appropriate to call…
Unbanning our Minds
Evil always carries the seeds of its own destruction… Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papersfrom Prison What is the power that allows some minds to think patiently and clearly while everyone around them is panicking? Some seem blessed with an inner truth detector that overrides fear-soaked messaging, no matter what the source. They act only on…
Ensuring User Predictability on Social Media Platforms
How are users algorithmically controlled while online? If fifteen years ago, you had been told that by 2020 nearly everyone would carry around a device in their pocket that tracked their lifestyle, friends, prejudices, purchases, videos, political opinions, facial expressions, and physical location, you might have laughed and accused the teller of being a “conspiracy…
Defending our capacity for attention and empathy
How can we create flourishing human relationships? Jaron Lanier, one of the founders of virtual reality, asked the following question, “If the ‘hive mind’ is my audience, who am I?” [efn_note]Jaron Lanier, You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto, (New York: Vintage Books, 2011. Kindle Edition) loc. 175.[/efn_note] The hive mind is an order in which…
Finland schools reopen successfully
Re-Opening of Schools did not increase the Number of Infections In this article, I seek to analyze news and data regarding the situation of schools, how decisions have been and are made and what the legislators should consider when we approach Autumn and the end of summer holidays. I look at the Finnish situation and…