October 16, 2024

COVID Shots Are Making Genetically Modified Human Organisms

COVID Shots Are Making Genetically Modified Human Organisms

In “One Last Throw of The Dice For Humanity,” Dr. Guy Hatchard critiques the ongoing push for COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations, questioning the safety and efficacy of repeated doses amid emerging health concerns. He references a Harvard Medical School study linking mRNA vaccines to severe neurological complications, highlighting a growing body of evidence suggesting that vaccines may contribute to immune deficiencies and increased risks of serious health issues. Hatchard argues that the genetic manipulation associated with these vaccines and the lack of transparency surrounding their development and effects pose profound ethical dilemmas for humanity. He warns against the illusion of safety in gene editing technologies, emphasizing the urgent need for a critical reassessment of our approach to health and governance in the wake of the pandemic.

Editor’s Note: Dr. Guy Hatchard’s article warns about the intersection of public health policy, genetic manipulation, and ethical responsibility. By juxtaposing the promises of mRNA vaccines with emerging evidence of serious adverse effects, he challenges the prevailing narrative that prioritizes rapid medical advancement over thorough safety assessments. The discourse around gene editing, particularly in light of historical precedents like CRISPR, raises critical questions about humanity’s ability to navigate the moral complexities of scientific progress.

Hatchard’s exploration of the potential societal repercussions—ranging from health crises to increased violence—underscores the interconnectedness of genetic interventions and human behavior. Ultimately, the piece compels readers to reconsider the implications of current medical practices and the broader ethical landscape that governs our approach to biotechnology and its unforeseen consequences. [Also read One Health Agenda: A Pathway to Totalitarian Control, The Uncharted Risks of Repeated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinations, Understanding the Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity, Part 3. Human Extinction, 2024: PLUNGE INTO DESTRUCTION OR BIRTH OF A NEW HUMANITY?].

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