July 20, 2024

Former CDC Chief Redfield Labels COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Toxic,’ Urges Personal Choice

Former CDC Chief Redfield Labels COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Toxic,’ Urges Personal Choice

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield criticized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines as “toxic” and argued they should never have been mandated. Redfield highlighted a lack of transparency about vaccine side effects and called for the FDA to release all safety data, emphasizing the need for personal choice. Redfield reaffirmed his belief in the COVID-19 lab leak theory and emphasized biosecurity as the greatest national security threat. The hearing underscored the need for greater oversight and accountability in high-risk virus research.

Editor’s Note: The recent statements by former CDC Director Robert Redfield emphasize a critical principle in public health policy: personal choice should be vital in any government decision, especially something this major. Redfield’s criticism of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines as “toxic” and his call for transparency in vaccine side effects highlight the importance of informed consent. The FDA’s reluctance to release all safety data raises concerns about the influence of pharmaceutical companies and the potential harm to the public. Only now are we seeing the extent of damage these vaccines are capable of.

Personal choice, backed by transparent and trustworthy information, must be the cornerstone of health policy to safeguard the population’s well-being.

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