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Exercise Twice As Effective As Anti-Depressants
This February 14, 2024 article published by the Telegraph discusses a study indicating that exercise is twice more effective at treating depression compared to antidepressants. The study, which involved more…
Other Articles of Interest
The End of the Electric Car
Apple has canceled work on its electric car project while car makers like Mercedez-Benz and Ford are delaying the launch of their electric vehicles (EV). Meanwhile, Tesla, already a major…
Trudeau Government Used Fake Intelligence To Frame Protesting Truckers As Violent Extremists
Using data obtained by Public through the Canada’s Freedom of Information Law, we now have evidence that Justin Trudeau’s government did not just illegally use the Emergencies Act. . He…
NHS Trust Insists Drug-Induced Milk from Transgender Women is Safe for Babies
In a statement released on its website, the University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (USHT) said that mills produced by transwomen were “safe” and were “comparable to that produced following…
ChatGPT Uses 17,000 times the amount of electricity than the average US household
In this article for The New Yorker, Elizabeth Kolbert discusses the significant energy consumption of artificial intelligence (AI) systems and their environmental implications. Kolbert interviews Alex de Vries, author of…
Court Rules COVID Vaccine Mandate “Unlawful”
The court has ruled that COVID vaccine mandates imposed on police and ambulance workers in Queensland were made unlawfully. According to this report republished by The Guardian last February 27,…
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