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Swedish Parliament Prepares For A Future Without Pregnancies
The following is a resolution submitted by the Education Committee to the Swedish Parliament. In it, the committee urges the Riksdag (parliament) to support investing in research on artificial wombs,…
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Bernie Sanders: Elites Are Creating War, Undermining Democracy, Destabilizing The World
In this article for The Nation, Bernie Sanders, the longest-serving Independent in the US congress criticizes how the elite’s quest for wealth concentration is fueling the conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza,…
Here’s The Growing List of Failed Forecasts By “Climate Experts”
In this exclusive report for The Epoch Times, using the research conducted by Bjorn Lomborg, journalist Petr Svab lists the growing number of failed predictions made by climate experts over…
Mainstream Media Melts Down Following Tucker Carlson Interview With Vladimir Putin
The following is an almost 4-minute video compilation showing the organized propaganda against Tucker Carlson after he announced his interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Editor’s Note: Do you still…
Propaganda: Newsweek claims Tucker Carlson Could Face Sanctions Over Putin Interview
Tucker Carlson’s upcoming interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin has raised concerns among European Union lawmakers, who suggest Carlson could face sanctions for his association with Putin. Some EU officials…
Great News: EU Eases Demands in 2040 Climate Proposal Following Massive Farmer Protests
Under pressure from farmers, the European Commission has revised its proposal for a new 2040 goal to cut greenhouse gas pollution. Key elements, such as a potential 30% reduction in…
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