Green energy not so green afterall.
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Net-Zero Pushers Are Ignoring The Waste Generated By “Green Energy”
Where do the mountains of broken wind turbine blades end up? Is there a safe way to dispose of broken solar panels? These are just two of the questions this…
Other Articles of Interest
3,000 Doctors Sue US HHS Over Mandate Forcing Physicians to Provide Gender-Affirming Care To Children
In this December 20, 2023 article for The Epoch Times, Jacob Burg reports on the lawsuit filed by 3,000 doctors against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)…
Seizing Private Land, Next Step In the Climate Agenda
In this December 13, 2023, special report for The Epoch Times, Kevin Stocklin discusses how the push for renewable energy, particularly in the form of wind and solar projects, could…
WSJ Editor Complains at WEF: We No Longer Own The News
In a discussion forum at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum, Emma Tucker, Editor-in-Chief of the Wall Street Journal said, “If you go back really not that long…
Climate Experts Say Climate Change Is Based on Faulty Temperature Data
This 2022 study conducted by climate scientists from the Heartland Institute shows that climate data used to support climate change are corrupted. According to the researchers, 96% of the temperature…
Peer-Reviewed Study Shows 2500% Higher Incidence of Myocarditis Following COVID Shots Compared to Other Vaccines
In this January 27, 2024 article published by the journal Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, authors Jessica Rose, Nicolas Hulscher and Peter McCullough combed through the US Vaccine Adverse Events…
Science Totalitarism Now Threatens Liberalism
In this January 24, 2024 article, Maximilien LaCour discussed how science poses a threat to the “ideals of liberalism and the robustness of modern states”. LaCour talks about the “socio-political”…
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