Trump, A Snake?: President-Elect Surrounds Himself With Operation Warpspeed Accomplices

In this almost 5-minute video, Greg Reese criticizes recent appointments of US President-elect Donald Trump, as many were supporters of the deadly COVID shots. Reese says, “Many of us would like to see justice for the millions murdered by the nanotech-infected shots. But don’t hold your breath. If approved, our next cabinet will include, as administrator for Medicare and Medicaid, Dr. Oz, a television personality who pushed implantable chips, transgenderism for kids, and pushed the deadly COVID vaccines repeatedly”.
Other Trump appointees who were also vaccine pushers include Marco Rubio for Secretary of State, Tulsi Gabbard for Director of National Intelligence, and Dr. Jeanette Neshawat as Surgeon General. Reese closes his video with the following words: “There is no sign of justice for millions murdered by the deadly shots. And if the nanotech in the shots is the interface between humans and AI world, then I would expect another fake pandemic and more shots”.
Editors’ Note: Remember the 2022 article published by The Atlantic entitled “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty”? The author said that we must forgive the “experts” for their harmful policies because “we didn’t know”. Even though many of us freedom fighters said that there would be no forgiveness for the crime done to humanity, many forgot too quickly, especially when it came to Trump’s role in the rollout of the deadly COVID shots.
And so, now we are back to where we started. Those who forced the shots on people who only wanted to exercise their right to freedom are still in power. There will be no justice for children like Maddie, who must now try to find a way to live their lives normally despite the debilitating injury they have suffered due to the vaccine. There is no justice for the hundreds of medical workers vilified and terminated from work for refusing to take an experimental product. No justice for the nameless people whose lives were cut short because they believed the shots were “safe and effective”.
How easily we forget. Because of this, we are in danger of another fake pandemic, which will probably complete the installation of the control structures established during the fake COVID pandemic.
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