October 16, 2024

US data shows COVID-vaccinated kids 5 – 18 die at a 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers

US data shows COVID-vaccinated kids 5 – 18 die at a 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers

A recent peer-reviewed study has raised alarming concerns about COVID-19 vaccination safety in U.S. children aged 5 to 18, revealing that vaccinated individuals have a mortality rate 5.7 times higher than their unvaccinated peers, with rates of 0.6% and 0.1%, respectively. This critical finding was omitted from the study’s abstract, appearing only in Supplement 1, and is statistically significant with a p-value of 6e-103. Additionally, a New Zealand Freedom of Information Act response reported a nearly fivefold increase in cardiac-related emergency room visits for individuals under 40 post-vaccination, jumping from 4,406 visits in 2020 to 21,416 in the following year, corresponding to a Z-score of 256, indicating a serious health crisis. Despite these findings, there is considerable caution regarding discussions on vaccine safety, with potential professional repercussions for those questioning the status quo, as highlighted by journalist Alex Berenson. While the vaccinated cohort showed higher comorbidities, the study indicates these factors alone cannot account for the observed mortality differences, underscoring the urgent need for thorough investigations before further vaccination campaigns proceed.

Editor’s Note: In a world where the truth often seems to take the scenic route, the recently published study by Yang highlights a disconcerting reality regarding COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 5 to 18. With vaccinated kids experiencing a mortality rate 5.7 times higher than their unvaccinated peers—an alarming statistic buried in Supplement 1 and left unaddressed by the authors—it raises eyebrows and, quite frankly, a few heart rates. While the authors claim that comorbidities in the vaccinated group might explain this disparity, the data suggests otherwise, as the overall susceptibility to disease remained largely similar between the two cohorts. Furthermore, the revelation from New Zealand about a fivefold spike in cardiac-related ER visits post-vaccination only amplifies the call for urgent scrutiny. In an age where asking tough questions could lead to professional suicide, it’s refreshing to see journalists like Alex Berenson shine a light on these critical findings. If science is meant to illuminate rather than obscure, then it’s time for health authorities to halt the vaccination rollout and investigate what’s lurking beneath these troubling statistics. After all, the health of our children should never be a mere footnote in a research paper.

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