July 30, 2024

COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign: Philippines Investigates Spike in Deaths

COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign: Philippines Investigates Spike in Deaths

Government officials in the Philippines are investigating a surge in deaths coinciding with the COVID-19 vaccination program, noting a 43% increase in mortality in 2021. Lawmakers are examining over 290,000 excess deaths among vaccinated individuals, exploring potential links to the vaccines. During hearings, data analysts and experts highlighted a spike in mortality starting in March 2021 and raised concerns about vaccine-related health issues, including autoimmune diseases. There are debates about pharmaceutical liability protections and the implications of the WHO’s proposed Pandemic Treaty on national sovereignty.

Editor’s Note: The investigation by Philippine lawmakers into the surge in deaths following the COVID-19 vaccination rollout raises concerns about vaccine safety and transparency. While other considerations contributed to this rise, the timing of the vaccination campaign necessitates an investigation. There are lapses. The debates about pharmaceutical liability protections and the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty are also noteworthy as they highlight broader issues of accountability and national autonomy in our public health policies.

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