January 21, 2025

Top Medical Journal Demands Immediate Release of All COVID-19 Vaccine, Treatment Data

Top Medical Journal Demands Immediate Release of All COVID-19 Vaccine, Treatment Data

In this January 21, 2022 article for Epoch Times, Katabella Roberts reports that the British Medical Journal (BMJ) is demanding the “full and immediate release of all data related to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments”, as it is in the public interest to do so.

The BMJ said, “Today, despite the global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymized participant-level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come…This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.”

Editor’s Note: This is proof that no doctor or scientific researcher outside of those who were paid by the vaccine manufacturers has ever seen the data related to the vaccine trials and treatments. How then, did regulatory agencies give emergency use authorization (EUA) to these vaccine developers if they have not been able to independently scrutinize the trial data?

We must remember that some of the pharmaceutical companies involved in the creation of COVID vaccines are repeat violators. They have done fraudulent marketing in the past and have coopted physicians by paying kickbacks and commissions for helping sell their products.

For example, Pfizer is known for the “largest health care fraud settlement in history”, after the US Department of Justice required the company to pay $2.3 Billion for the illegal and fraudulent marketing of some of its products.1 Meanwhile, Astra Zeneca was forced to pay $250 million after they illegally marketed the anti-psychotic drug Seroquel “for uses not approved as safe and effective.”2

Johnson & Johnson (J&J) was also required to pay $2.2 billion for false marketing and for “payment of kickbacks to physicians and to the nation’s largest long-term care pharmacy provider”.3 It is one of the biggest healthcare fraud settlements in US history, overtaken only by Pfizer. Associate Attorney General Tony West, who litigated the J&J case said this after the decision was made: “When companies put profit over patients’ health and misuse taxpayer dollars, we demand accountability…As patients and consumers, we have a right to rely upon the claims drug companies make about their products. And, as taxpayers, we have a right to ensure that federal health care dollars are spent appropriately. That is why this Administration has continued to pursue aggressively – with all of our available law enforcement tools — those companies that corrupt our health care system.”

The only reason Moderna has not had a case yet is that the COVID vaccine is the first product they were able to put out to market.

With this kind of history, is it right for regulatory agencies to just rely on the word of these vaccine manufacturers? Can we honestly say that Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers have no interest in falsifying their trial data?

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  1. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history
  2. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/pharmaceutical-giant-astrazeneca-pay-520-million-label-drug-marketing, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-astrazeneca-texas-lawsuits-idUSKBN1KT0Q9
  3. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/johnson-johnson-pay-more-22-billion-resolve-criminal-and-civil-investigations

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