Organizer of Melbourne protests charged with incitement, police use violence on protesters

Harrison Mclean, a graduate from Monash University and the administrator of the Melbourne Freedom Rally group on Telegram was arrested last September 25, 2021. He is currently being dubbed by the mainstream media as the “chief architect of Melbourne’s week of destructive anti-vaccine protests”. This news was covered by Daily Mail through the reporting of Nic White.
According to the report (attached below), Mclean was charged for incitement over the first rally on September 18, 2021 where some cops (and protesters) were injured [see September 18, 2021: World comes together to protest against lockdowns, vaccine passports, digital IDs].
Editor’s Note: The Daily Mail article is a perfect example of a biased article pretending to be objective. This is clearly a hit piece, which the mainstream media is compelled to write given the Mclean’s huge following (currently at 13,000 in Telegram!) and the increasing resistance against the tyrannical policies in Australia.
If we are to look at Twitter posts from those who were actually at the Melbourne protests, we will see that it was the police who were attacking protesters using “non-lethal” weapons. Here are a few of those videos:
If this isn’t tyranny, then we don’t know what this is.
Why is the government resorting to character assasination and violence to dispel its angry citizens? Well, it could be because the crowd protesting against vaccine mandates is getting bigger.
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