In this July 14, 2021 article for Manila Bulletin, Analou de Vera reports on the statement of Rolando Enrique Domingo, Director-General of the Philippines’ Food and Drug Authority (FDA).
According to Domingo, the Philippines’ adverse reporting system has received less than 1% of adverse events reports following vaccination. He adds that most of the cases are mild.
In a separate statement, Dr. Anna Ong-Lim of the Department of Health (DOH) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) said, “to date, no fatal case reports are found to have a causal relationship with the vaccines”.
Editor’s Note: These statements from Domingo and Lim are deceiving. There is a false assumption that everyone who ever had a side effect following vaccination actually reported their experience. We know this to be false because we know of MANY people who experienced side effects and shrugged it off because they did not want to go through the hassle of reporting. If the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and Europe’s Eudravigilance can only capture less than 1% of all vaccine reactions (and it is even delayed for months!), how can the Philippines be assured that its own monitoring system is accurate? Did the FDA do any follow-up on everyone who has been vaccinated? If a side effect was experienced a month after vaccination, do vaccine recipients know how to make a report?
Based on our own research of the Philippine FDA’s adverse reporting system, there are more vaccine adverse events and deaths which are unreported, hence accounting for the “low number of adverse events”. From our personal experience, we know of at least eight people who died within a month of vaccination. In fact, we can say that the FDA’s monitoring system is useless as it only compounds all the reports and does not offer any degree of transparency. No independent researcher could countercheck FDA’s claims that there are no deaths related to the vaccines (and this is impossible as several countries have already noted that some vaccines, for example, AstraZeneca have led to blood clots which were fatal in some cases).
Is the Philippines FDA aware of the full extent of side effects that could come out of COVID vaccination? [Read FDA knew COVID vaccines would lead to severe adverse events, sanitized info given to people to prevent vaccine-hesitancy].
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