5 Ways they are tricking you into taking the experimental vaccines


In this article for Off Guardian, Kit Knightly talks about the desperate ploys used by our governments (and mainstream media) to trick us unto taking the experimental vaccines: bribery, celebrity endorsements, forced scarcity, fake popularity, and the “resistance is useless” argument. They tried all the five steps, but people are still awakening to the lies.

Knightly says that all of these marketing strategies have one thing in common: “the increasingly hysterical air of desperation”. He adds, “there’s good reason to think the resistance to the ‘new normal’ is a lot more widespread than the establishment ever expected it to be”.

Editor’s Note: Vaccines are a product of a multinational company, and there is no reason to believe that these companies will not use everything they know in the marketing playbook to increase the demand for their product. But even the harshest Big Tech censorship can no longer sustain an environment of panic.

Vaccination is a personal prerogative. We have featured in this website, information that has been heavily omitted by mainstream media in their reporting, and censored by Big Tech. We hope that when you come to the point where you have to make a decision on whether you will take the vaccine or not, we hope that you have made your due diligence, and that your decision will be based on a real assessment of your medical needs and not based on fear or anger.

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