Qantas passengers need COVID-19 vaccine for international travel

The following is a November 24, 2020 report by Michael Doyle published by ABC News Australia. It reports on a recent statement released by Qantas Airlines’ top executive, Alan Joyce. Joyce said, “We are looking at changing our terms and conditions, to say for international, that we will ask people to have a vaccination before getting on the aircraft”. Joyce adds that the company is considering of adding the same requirements for domestic flights.

Editor’s Note: This is what Nicanor has been referring to in his recent talk for Kaya Natin ‘To [see Nicanor Perlas: It will take an extra level of courage to end this “pandemic”].

Even if governments do not mandate vaccination, but if it allows private companies to make these kinds of rules, then it is the same as mandatory vaccination. People’s rights to rule over their bodies will be compromised all for the sake of “safety” from a virus that has a 99% recovery rate, and whose infections are rarely severe [see CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu. Also read The Great Barrington Declaration: Life must return to normal for the healthy, the vulnerable must be protected to discover an alternative strategy for attaining herd immunity].

In the Philippines, Cebu Pacific Airlines is contemplating doing the same [earlier a group of airline carriers already proposed the use of digital health passports, see Airline trade groups call for the adoption of digital health passports]. This is generally a dumb move as this will result in lower passenger rates for the airline concerned. People are not bored with a desperate desire to fly planes. They would rather stay away from dangerous vaccines that subject themselves to all kinds of arbitrary and unscientific policies and procedures. And as more and more people learn about the real science of this false pandemic, they will surely boycott institutions that are de facto mandating forced vaccinations to obtain their service.

Qantas passengers will need COVID-19 vaccine for international travel

Qantas passengers will need COVID-19 vaccine for international travel

Passengers will have to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before entering or leaving Australia on a Qantas plane, and could be asked to show a vaccination passport to prove it.

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