Petition against Pfizer and other coronavirus vaccines launched in the UK

Dr. Michael Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed on December 1, 2020 an application with the European Medical Agency (EMA) to suspend all trials for all SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, particularly that of the BioNtech/Pfizer vaccine. The petition came out a day before the UK government approved the vaccine for emergency use.

In the petition, Dr. Yeadon and Dr. Wodarg said, that all vaccine trials must be stopped until a study design that can address the significant safety concerns of the vaccine and the flaws of the current study design has been corrected.

Dr. Yeadon was a chief scientist at Pfizer while Dr. Wodarg is the German expert who also took legal actions against the German scientists during the 2009 fake H1N1 pandemic. Dr. Wodarg is often credited for ending the H1N1 pandemic.

Dr. Yeadon requests all EU citizens to co-sign the petition by sending the prepared statements to the EMA email address at For more information, please see the official press release in the attachments below.

Editor’s Note: No COVID vaccine has been tested long enough to say that any of them are safe. The initial success of these vaccines which are being touted by mainstream media mean nothing, as experts are already telling us that the trial design are faulty. Will you willingly take a vaccine whose initial results are showing the possibility of serious complications? Will you let your government mandate mass vaccination for an illness that is preventable, curable, and not deadly?

Note also that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines utilized the mRNA technology, which has never before been used in vaccine development. Mass vaccinations of this kind of vaccine, without knowing its long term health impacts is nothing more than an experiment on people.

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3 responses to “Petition against Pfizer and other coronavirus vaccines launched in the UK”

  1. Joanna Nowicki Avatar
    Joanna Nowicki

    SARS COV 2 throws up many issues that need to be thoroughly addressed hopefully in a court of law. Whitty in his slides presented it as no more virulent than a bad year of influenza, there has never been an successful vaccine for corona viruses, why the rush for a vaccine, the myriad of conflicts of interests amongst the various actors involved in pushing the vaccine, the lock down policies and the subsequent suffering from these policies not to mention that many deaths were as a result, the casedemic with PCR tests, the censorship of those who question, the strategies now in play for the involvement of the army, the reining of civil liberties, and for a virus that poses less danger to the population than many other illnesses.

  2. This vaccine without proper testing is Very Dangerous and putting humans at risk of dangerous harm! In other words unethical.
    Having immunity to litigation would make anyone concerned and s optical of the reasons for the need for immunity to damages incurred as a result of any vaccines.
    And as a result vaccines should remain personal choice, most certainly not mandated!!

  3. Jan Tylapp (Mr) Avatar
    Jan Tylapp (Mr)

    What reason do health experts and government officials have for supporting experimental gene therapy for Covid-19? Since there are many expert voices againt the use of this therapy why are these ignored?

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